Thursday, June 07, 2007

surgery- ah.

i woke up with all in my mouth
but sent to bed with 4 less.
today's the big day. left for alexandra hospital for my wisdom tooth extraction surgery which lasted about forty minutes and the effects of it is just, quote daniel, indescribable. i wasn't supposed to remove all of my wisdom tooth at one shot, at least it wasn't recorded in the surgery schedules. but here's the deal presented:

pluck four today,
come back next thurs to remove stitches,
and i should be all recovered by then.
on top of that,
my embarkation leave starts on that friday.

so as you can see, if i could remove all at one shot and still be able to enjoy, and i chose this word with much consideration, enjoy my embarkation leave, why not? at the expense of this uber stinging discomfort at the back of my jaw. contrary to popular belief, the after effects of the surgery is really not painful. its a, as i mentioned, stinging discomfort at the back of your jaw. and if i may add, it's a very stinging discomfort. so far, i've only experienced pain once since the surgery and that was only because i wanted to spit the phlegm out. phlegm? or so i thought.

you see, when blood dries in your mouth
it doesn't just cackle and dry up
like your facial skin after bursting your pimple.
it becomes jelly-like
and when a lot of it comes together
you won't be penalised if you really thought it was

there was pain for two reasons i concur. one, i couldn't and as of now still cannot, open my mouth to that choral "ah" shape but to spit it out, i had to. but the jelly-like substance refused to come out. well at least half of it refused. you see, half of it was stuck to the wound. so i had this blood red jelly-like gel leaving my mouth, like it was a banner across blocks and i believe the domestic helper was absolutely freaked out. i asked her if she had removed her wisdom tooth, her response? -simply speechless. she just stood there and stared into the humid air and just was stunned. well, i cannot blame her. if it were me, i would be screaming around the house, waving my arms in the air is much horror but not before i cover my innocent eyes at the sight of that red thing dripping out.

two, remember that jelly like substance and how it was attached to my wound? well i tried to pull it out, without realising that it was glued to my wound. i merely though it was stuck at the back of my throat. so as i said, i pulled it out. it refused to come out so i could only cut that substance into half with my fingers and just resign to doing my time with this argh.

i learnt from that.

havent had a bite since lunch and don't think i will until breakfast tomorrow. that is if i can even open my mouth. then again, i have to eat. gah. i should have just checked myself into the hospital and ask to be put on the drip or even have that tube inserted into my stomach. wait. that will be even more painful, no no no. cannot.

but there are things to look forward to.

i really am looking forward to a meal with you, definitely; with my lovely family and that includes the older folks; with beautiful choir people like sam and marie who really are not helping in the current unemployment rate- really if the united nations were to take out current unemployment rate today, boy oh boy, you two contributed to it; maybe you can put it down in your resume?; with my cell group and division people; and juniors; and 4b; and 43 and other random people. yay.
all these, just at the price of
these days of a very stinging discomfort
at the back of your jaw.

i'm proud of you,

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