Sunday, December 09, 2007

"About half of adolescent boys surveyed said they had sex within one month of knowing their romantic partners, compared with about 23 percent for the girls. "
with compliments of i managed to read this article with much interest. frankly, this report came as no surprise to me considering myself to be exposed to all these small facets of life as seen by my college friends. i've heard of stories, personal accounts, and know friends who have gone through this. sex is no longer a taboo subject. in fact i think it's precisely because of our asian attitude of making this sex topic seem as a taboo subject that is creating an interest and desire to dwelve deep into it. teenagers want more than just a 'when you grow up you will find out for yourself' or a 'just don't do it because it's wrong' answer. at this point it's apt for me to inject this fact that even in the western world where sex seems to be less of a taboo subject, pre-marital sex is still rampant as is with abortions before marriage. short gun marriages are not uncommon there and with a lack of knowledge and exposure of the following consequences, such statistics may soon find its way into our national records soon. what interests me more is that considering the above statement to be a true representation of the entire nation, does that mean only half of our males are copulating with a quarter of our females? so after doing a little math here and there that makes a ratio of two males for every female to effectively give one child. in economic terms, that means low productivity. it's no wonder our birth rate is so low. tsktsk.

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