Wednesday, October 17, 2007

this is going to be big-

just read off the internet regarding the latest Airbus-380 arriving at Changi Airport and with all the pomp and ceremony i'm feeling the pinch just because i'm not back home to enjoy her arrival. just the excitement of this plane's arrival is just, if i were to exaggerate, overwhelming. so that's cause one for rawr-ing.

as i continued following the news related to the new Singapore Airlines A380 plane, i also, very most unfortunately, found out of their latest suite classes. well if you think first class sounds all posh and glam already, check this out and checked that out i did. imagine a fairly large cubicle all to yourself, with a luxurious bed and a plush mattress for you to lay upon at night during those horrid long haul flights, well that'd be heaven in the skies. watched the promotional videos on the national carrier's website and i must say pride wasn't really the first thing i felt; in fact i felt like crap. here i am sitting on a hard backless stool and there in front of me on the screen is a plush wide-bodied seat. and that would naturally sum up cause two for my rawr-ing.

i still want to join singapore airlines.
and that's cause three.

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