you will never understand the full meaning of the word 'miss'. it doesn't mean that when you have been distanced from that particular thing, for example food, you have missed that item. it's only convenient for you to say that in a response to your mental being, just in order to keep yourself going whenever you feel like you 'miss' that thing, whatever it is.
take for example you, a foreigner living in an unknown land who has been obviously distanced from your local cuisin due to various reasons which includes the availability and price of the item. then suddenly with modern technology you were given a plate of local cuisine; its aroma mixed with the taste brings about a sudden bout of euphoria within. you slowly pick up your cutlery set and begin the savoring adventure. at the first touch to your lips, you feel the familiar warm sensation and as it kisses your tongue, your taste buds have been awoken to a loc al calling. with every subsequent bite you take you enjoy and savour every moment, even if the entire process takes minutes or hours, every moment just seems endless and forever at that instant. very soon that plate of local cuisine is finished, every scrap and morsel licked up and cleaned. you have enjoyed the meal.
but yet somehow you feel a sense of nostalgia. in fact, nostalgia is a word that is simply too simplistic in its sense and is not inclusive enough. you sit there, rooted, disappointed, and unable to enjoy that familiar sensation anymore, but yet deep within your soul has been satisfied. it's not like you would want to rush back to your native land just because of one dish but it's this 'miss' that makes you linger on; wanting only more. however you have done all to savour the moment, but a time will come where everything will end. finish; stop. the feeling ends there, but the memory lives on.
i'm just glad that i'm the one who savoured the food,
and not being the food itself.