Dear Mother,
It's been 5 years since I left home. Please don't worry mother, I really am well. But 5 years is really an awfully long time and all this while I've been missing you however cicumstances have prevented me from returning.
All this while I have been doing well in the things assigned to me. I have washed my dishes, cleaned up after myself; I've been independent and independance was something you taught me in my formative years. Do you remember? Maybe not; because it was second nature to you - it was a mother's instinct.
Do you remember the days you scolded us for our long fringes? Or maybe for our socks not being above the ankle? Ah yes, I still remember the times we had to stand in the sun just so one of us would own up to his mistakes. But amidst all the punishments, you instilled in us a strong character - one which is able to stand the tests of time. Of course with bad times, there were always your light-hearted moments. You allowed us to leave home early just so we could boast to others of how well our older brothers did in their examinations. (But honestly, none of us really did that. HA!) There were the times we would just stay at home and kick some things (they really didn't have to be balls you know... I know it's still quite a mystery) And then there were the times when we would just cheer with all our might for your glory and your honour and for the pride you instilled in us all these years.
Oh they were all such good memories!
And here I am, back home; back to where it all started 5 years ago. I said this when I left home that year but I have never understood its significance, let alone grasp the fullness and abundance of it. But now, here I am, two weeks being at home and I can now understand just a glimpse, a fraction of its significance. Nonetheless I would say it again:
We do not return to you Mother,
For we have never really left.
Nil Sine Labore,