Sunday, April 24, 2005

workshop. argh.

had a workshop. must say it was a ear-opener. heard tpjc, mjc, ajc, and yeah. we performed. i shan't say who's the best, cause all of us had their own good and weak points. just wanna say about our standard and performance.

i must say that today we definitely underperformed. wesped up for pamugun. totally not supposed to happen. lily: we were better. yea! but overall i think we didn't do that well. as compared to the practice we had at sch that day. i felt that one was much better.

to vjchoirmates: yo dudes! i know we didn't really sound that good that day, but let's all now realise the truth that there are other choirs that are better or going to be better than us. that is if we let our guards down! time to get our act together and really sing our hearts out! we can do this. i personally feel that the word 'try' should never be in the choir's dictionary. it's either we do or we don't. no in-betweens. since we've come thus far, we might as well give it our best shot, and go all the way to the gold with honours! tell urself and encourage those around you. we're family after all. brothers and sisters as one. we can do this, and i'm sure with our standard, our commitment, our dedication and our passion for choir, we can do this and get what we've all been waiting for.


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